Sunday 4 May 2008


This is very much a topic for being bad. Stealing is considered by almost everyone as being wrong. Even those who may feel that they are indifferent on the topic would still be angered by someone stealing their possessions.
However I do believe there are some situations when I feel that someone stealing is not as bad as other situations where someone might steal. For example, surely someone stealing to feed themselves is not nearly as bad as someone stealing for the sake of it, ie. Breaking into someone’s home and taking their possessions.

Having been an employer at Royal Mail for three years I had seen many companies operating fraudulent schemes that took advantage of many elderly people from the various address listings. These companies would send out alerts of having won money, but first the addressee would be required a subsidy to be sent. This subsidy would often be a couple thousand pounds, which of course they would never see again, this is never a good thing to happen, but perhaps because it is the elderly that have been particularly targeted then I feel very strongly against this.

Below is a website giving information about mail fraud:

There are so many varying types of stealing, ranging from fraudulent activities by companies all the way to children stealing things from each other in the playground. After all isn’t stealing just admiration of anothers possessions? As a child I would be envious of other children who had bigger marbles than I did, so I suppose this sort of behaviour may stay with us through life, but rather than stealing from others, perhaps we should use this motivation to push ourselves into a better life.

Even those in full time employment are steal within their company, there could be many reasons for this, it could be that they feel that they need that particular item, they may just want it without having the bother of buying it, or more likely than not they may hold a grudge against the company they work for.

Below is a link giving information on theft in the work place:
Is this squirrel stealing?

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