Saturday 3 May 2008

Body Modification

What is meant by the term ‘body modification’? It is changing the body from its natural state. This can be physically or on the surface.

An example of changing the body physically would be breast implants or leg lengthening procedures. Both of these seem to be because of societal pressures and expectations, it seems to be a pity that when asked why there are going under the knife, they often reply that it will increase their confidence. I’m sorry, but I personally would not feel comfortable about increasing my confidence through altering my body’s structure or appearance, as I would know that my new found confidence was based on who others perceive me. Would I not be as fake as their pleasantries?

An example of surface body modification could be things like tattoos and perhaps a change in hair colour. To me these modifications are not doing any harm to the individual, true getting a tattoo can be painful but the reasons for getting permanent markings on the skin must be more than to do with art. Personally, being an owner of two tattoos I spent many years researching and designing my own tattoos as I needed personally relevance to the symbols that I was about to carve into my skin, permanently. I do have difficulty understanding people who get various tribal markings etched on their skin, which bare no relevance to their lives.

Below are some reasons why individuals may modify their bodies:

· To increase their attractiveness
· For artistic reasons
· Rites of passage in particular cultures
· To gain membership in a group
· Rebellion
· Fashion
· Memorial dates
· Control

Religion can also be a reason to have body modifications, for example Jewish males are circumcised as part of a rite in their religion.

Below is a website giving some details about some cultures/religions body modifications:

Another culture who use body modification is the Mayans, the following list is just some of the modifications that would occur:

· Flattening of the forehead

This is a how they would flatten the forehead: For four or five days after the child was born they would lay him on a small bed and then they would place the head between two boards, one at the back of the head, and the other on the forehead. They would press very tightly and hold the child suffering there until the head remained flat and molded, which happened after a few days.

· It was also thought that to be cross-eyed was beautiful

This was done by hanging something from the child's hair which would fall between their eyes and draw the child's gaze inward and upward, which would eventually make them cross-eyed.

· Extended nose bridge

If is not so clear about how this effect was achieved, but the individual who would have it done would have the bridge of their nose up to their forehead. The link below provides images from pottery and canvases. Below is an image of this process. It is thought that they would use shell, paper, flint or stone.

· Bumps and beaded scars

They have also been said to have inserted some sort of disk beneath the skin, it has been thought of that these represented the rank.

· Tattoos

The more tattoos they had the more courageous and brave they were considered to be as tattooing was a extremely painful. It was done in the following way: the tattooist marked out the place that had been chosen with ink and then delicately cut in the pictures. These marks remained on the body in blood and ink. The work was done bit by bit because of the great pain it caused and afterwards they were ill because it used to fester and ooze. However those who did not tattoo themselves were jeered at.

· Extended lips

A deep cut would be made from the corners of the mouth up to as far as the ears and then it would be packed with mud and a scar would heal and leave this line in its place.

· Skin Flaps

This was more dress wear than self harm, skin would be worn on the cheeks of men, this is thought to have been paying tribute to the Aztec God Xipe. The skin would have been removed from individuals who they had sacrificed.

Below is the addres where more information may be obtained about the above Mayan body modifications:

Heres the latest fashion trend:

Surely this is one reason why body modifications can be considered as being bad, i think this takes it many steps too far. Below is a website which deals with alsorts of different 'styles' for your pets:

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