Wednesday 30 April 2008

Being Too Religious

Being too religious...Is this a topic for being bad?

I think this depends completely on the individual. I do not believe that there is anything wrong with being religious as long as they are causing no harm to other. When i say harm to others this would include such things as:

* Causing wars
* Families becoming split due to religious differences
* Imposing beliefs on others which is not their own
* Preaching (In the sense that they talk directly to an individual and saying hurtful things)
* And lots more...

I think one of the many problems that religion brings forth is that some individuals use religion as a cause for war. How many problems have been caused in the whole of Ireland because of religious views. There is a great rift that has caused a vast division. The following link provides a detailed history of Ireland and states that Ireland was already having problems with Christianity back in year of 428

I think this picture adequately conveys the harm that being too religious can do to its people

I find it difficult to select a religion to criticise as so many people are so willing to do so, so unfortunately I can only really write about Jehovah’s Witnesses as this is the religion I know most about, are from Christianity and my own faiths.

There are several things I could say about Jehovah's Witnesses that I believe to make them too religious, but before I do so I apologise for any offence it may cause.

Jehovah’s Witnesses are expected to live their life in accordance with the beliefs and the moral codes of the movement and this includes such things as blood transfusions, this doctrine was passed in 1945. Witnesses believe that God has forbidden this potentially lifesaving procedure and that the following bible passages pertain to such beliefs:

Genesis 9:3-4 ‘Only flesh with its soul-its blood-you must not eat’

Acts 15:19-21 ‘Abstain from...fornication and from what is strangled and from blood’

What happens when faced with death and the means to save one’s life is only through a blood transfusion? A Jehovah’s Witnesses would rather face death than have to take on the sin of accepting another’s blood. If a Witness accepts a blood transfusion or receives one without having any regrets it is seen as a sin and that the witness would no longer be regarded as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

In this way I believe that the cost of religion is too high on the self, I fail to see how any God would refuse 'his' people the needs to save their lives. Although some good has come from them not accepting blood and that is research in areas in the medical field to provide blood-free products inplace of anothers blood and also a Cell Saver System, which circulates the individuals blood during the operation. Not only can this be used for Jehovah's Witnesses but also by those of rare blood types.

Here is a website which gives details of how Jehovah's Witnesses are to live and their moral codes:

Perhaps this image below demonstrates what being too religious can do to families:

1 comment:

Matt1337Guy said...

I found this blog very interesting, there was alot of detail concerning the Jehovahs Witnesses. I have really mixed views on religion. Somethimes I think it's is a geniunly good thing, as most religions promote being good to people, however I also feels its a tool used against people in other circumstances.